Posts Tagged ‘Stereotypes’

Alright, prepare to get mad, some people  will find these offensive, they are, but so are the stereotypes and the reality of lukewarm Christianity that caused Vintage 21 to make these in the first place. OK on to Vintage’s into and the videos …

In the Spring of 2003, a church called Vintage21 had a four week series on Jesus Christ, taking a deep look at what He said and did. It was difficult at times to get past our preconceived notions that had been developed by staunch, starched Sunday School classes of old. This is a satirical look at what some people think Jesus is like. Thankfully, that’s not the real Jesus.

they all have funny parts but some are hilarious (and sad.)

Vintage 21 Church Raleigh, NC

Vintage 21 Church Raleigh, NC

Vintage 21 is a church of seekers, followers and doubters.

Click Here for the … Vintage 21 Website