Archive for the ‘Mike Adams’ Category

I’m in the process of listening to an audiobook by A.J. Jacobs called “The Year of Living Biblically”. The author is nonreligious but decides to try and follow the Bible as literally as possible. It’s fun (The book not the following). I often hear something, read something and see something that all come together into a thought, which I share or completely forget about before I can share it. In the book the author was talking about when he was living biblically he found his choices were radically reduced. There are prohibitions on the things you can eat (no pork, shrimp, lobster and much more) , the clothes you can wear (no mixed fibers i.e. cotton poly blends) and shaving his beard. He said at first he was stifled but grew to appreciate not having so many options.

I don’t know if you know but I have returned to working in a produce department at a grocery store (I’m not going to mention it by name because we had to sign a paper saying we wouldn’t blog about it. Really!?!) I have worked in produce for a good chunk of my working life and I’ve found that I enjoy it. I was working on the salad wall (and wall it is, 25 feet or so.)  People just stand in front of it with their mouth agape. I don’t think they know it. Some look for 10 minutes or more. I guess they are trying to find that perfect salad combination. To their defense we have a bunch of options.   (Hearts of Romaine, Triple Hearts of Romaine, Premium Romaine, Sweet Butter, Italian (Romaine & Radicchio), American (more Carrots), Veggie Lovers, 5 Lettuce and on and on and on.) We have 40+ types of bagged salad, that doesn’t include loose lettuces and various other packaging. So people get stunned by the sheer selection. It’s too much. I’ve heard it said that Albert Einstein had seven of the same suit made so he wouldn’t have to think about it when getting dressed in the morning. He didn’t want to waste though on stuff he though was stupid. I’ve also heard it why people who have been in prison a long time often want to go right back. Too many kinds of toothpaste.

We even have come to believe we need all these options. A customer asked me if we had any more shredded lettuce. I showed her to the shredded lettuces but we didn’t have the size she desired. We get a truck almost every day but didn’t get it for whatever reason. I believe in customer service. I believe that they are always right but she was incredibly put out. No amount of apology would calm here down. She couldn’t imagine why we didn’t have what she perceived she needed (we had other sizes and lettuce that could be shredded). I immediately thought (but didn’t mention) that thousands and thousand die everyday without food or clean water to drink. I thought about Crispy Creme Doughnuts, Starbucks, Burger King etc. I thought about how Americans have created “too much food” diseases to die fr0m. (Diabetes & Heart Disease) It also made me think…

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for an American to enter the kingdom of God.  Matthew 19:24 (Mike Translation)

The point is really this, we, as Americans, have so many choices that we become a slave to the options. I have a hundred and some odd channels and there is nothing on I want to watch. We used to be happy with 3, or even no TV. I have so many options and things to stimulate my mind. I go crazy when I don’t. Try sitting quietly for an hour. I will fall asleep without the constant yammering. I always have to be doing something. I can be unappreciative and unthankful and it gets worse the more I have. So I’ve decided I’m ANTI-Choice and it has nothing to do with abortion (If you want to see what I think about that Click Here: “What It’s Like”)

I haven’t looked over this much so it could be riddled with errors. Maybe it always is. 🙂 I’m my own editor. Love Ya”ll, m

People often ask me why everything I say has to do with the gay community. I am straight and a Christian but discrimination makes me angry. I can’t believe in 2010 if you are gay you can’t defend your country, you can’t marry the person you love, but you can be fired from your job just for being gay. I can’t believe that kids are being bullied so much that they think the only way out is suicide. I know it’s not just kids either.

Any of these things would make me want to speak out against the injustice but the thing that made me an activist and to not be able to shut up about it is the thing that bothers me the most. Christian’s, and I’m sorry to say I was one, using the bible to make people think that God doesn’t love them. I see the most hateful things everyday from people who say they are followers of Christ. They find ways to do away with the thing that Jesus said was the most important. He commanded us to LOVE GOD and to LOVE OTHERS. So take your favorite Leviticus verse and put it in line behind the COMMANDMENT. LOVE!

If you are gay please don’t listen to anyone who tells you that God hates you. God is crazy about you. Other people love you too. Things are going to change in the near future.  🙂


Posted: October 20, 2010 in Mike Adams
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You know, I’m sick of following my dreams, man. I’m just going to ask where they’re going and hook up with ’em later. – Mitch Hedberg

I’ve been listening to the late comedian Mitch Hedberg recently and he made me think.  I really am sick of following my dreams. I usually am trying to make something happen. Trying to get God to do this or get Him to do that. It’s crazy because I know He knows what is best. It’s a lot easier for me to hook up with my dreams later now because I have no idea how to make the things I want to happen, happen. I know I have to wait and take it slow. I still have goals, an idea where I want to end up and am still going through the doors that open. I’m just trying not to bash them down anymore. 🙂

I hate dreaming because when you want to sleep, you want to sleep. Dreaming is work. Next thing you know, I have to build a go-cart with my ex-landlord. – Mitch Hedberg
Here is a talk divided into 5 parts. Each start where the last left off. I don’t agree with everything that the Pastor says but I don’t think I agree with everything anyone says. I think his heart is closer to the heart of the guy we claim to be following if you are a Christian. It doesn’t really matter whether you think homosexuality is a sin or not, we are all sinners in one way or another. I dare you to watch the videos and then let us know what you think.  🙂 m
These are from a pretty cool place called Mercy Church in Kansas City.
Mercy Church KC Website
The last to videos are a news clip on them and a behind the scenes at there God Loves Gays Rally.



Posted: October 15, 2010 in Mike Adams
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I was stunned at how much more like Jesus this video sounds. It sound much more like Him than the words coming out of many christian’s mouths.



Please don’t listen to anyone who says God doesn’t love you. He is crazy about you. Other people love you too. Stick around and see that it does get better.

Bishop Gene Robinson

Fort Worth City Councilman Joel Burns

President Obama

Google Employees

Dan Savage & Terry Miller

Jesse Tyler Ferguson & Eric Stonestreet

Tim Gunn

Kathy Griffin

Governor David Paterson

Neil Patrick Harris

Ellen DeGeneres

Adam Lambert

Star Trek’s George Takei

Glee’s Chris Colfer

Harry Potter’s Daniel Radcliffe

The Trevor Project Website

Real GOD vs. wee god

Posted: October 12, 2010 in Mike Adams
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“An “impersonal God”– well and good. A subjective God of beauty, truth and goodness, inside our own heads — better still. A formless life-force surging through us, a vast power which we can tap — best of all. But God Himself, alive, pulling at the other end of the cord, perhaps, approaching an infinite speed, the hunter, king, husband — that is quite another matter. There comes a moment when the children who have been playing at burglars hush suddenly: was that a real footstep in the hall? There comes a moment when people who have been dabbling in religion (”Man’s search for God!”) suddenly draw back. Supposing we really found Him? We never meant it to come to that! Worse still, supposing He had found us?”—C.S. Lewis, Theological Rockstar!


Vending Machine god


This quote and cartoon make me think of this verse.

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. -Psalm 111:10a (New Living Translation)

I don’t think it means fear in the traditional sense. Fear that God is in Heaven watching you and waiting for you to fail so He can whack you with His stick. I think it means starting to realize who He really is. All you have to do is look at creation to be awed by His bigness and creativity. There is so much variety and it is so vast. Even to our small minds and in the tiny way we can grasp a being so complex. Now even that, as C.S. Lewis said is pretty easy. Now imagine that entity knows who you are. Imagine He wants to communicate with you. Imagine He loves you and wants to have fellowship with you. That is where it gets even scarier. A big God, cool. A big God who is intimately aware of me makes me afraid. The good news is that He does love us no matter what we’ve done.

Posted: October 8, 2010 in Mike Adams
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I saw this and wasn’t sure at first how far I was going to go with this but decided to go all the way. I’m not trying to offend the tender eared ones but this is important. 

FCKH8 Fackebook

FCKH8 Twitter



This is the first in a series of set of images to cause you to think, discuss and act.

Comments? Thoughts? Experiences?

KillI saw this saying on a bumper sticker on a car yesterday and it made me laugh. I’d seen it before but it’s pretty much funny every time. It also got me thinking about something Jesus said in Mathew chapter 5 verse 21&22:

“You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’ But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone,  you are in danger of the fires of hell.”

He also said in Matthew chapter 5 verse 27&28:

“You have heard the commandment that says, ‘You must not commit adultery.’ But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

So, like the bumper sticker says, if there weren’t laws we might kill. I know I’ve been mad enough. What kept me from it. My goodness? Nope … fear of jail and trouble. 🙂 Would you cheat on your wife or girlfriend if she wouldn’t catch you, would you take a thousand dollars that isn’t yours if you knew you could never get caught? Jesus was saying that these things are all heart things. If you would do it but you don’t want to get in trouble it’s all the same.  Do you think you are above all this cheating, stealing and hating? Do you drive differently when a cop is behind you? Have you ever slowed down from speeding when you see a cop? So why do you follow these laws? Cause you will get in trouble if you don’t. So when you do follow the traffic laws because you don’t want a ticket are you good or just subdued?

DISCLAIMER: I used “quotes” when I quoted things Jesus said even though I am almost completely sure He wasn’t speaking “New Living Translation”, everyone knows they all spoke King James Translation. 😛